Wednesday, 31 December 2014

9. Amerila astreus

Superfamily: Noctuoidea
Family: Arctiidae
Genus: Amerila
Species: Amerila astreus
Common name: -
Date & Location: 23.xii.14, Khon Kaen night market on a jumper!, Khon Kaen environs
I think this is the correct ID, though I can't find specimens with pink colouration. Possibly a variation or young specimen. Photo taken using my phone. Any advances?

8. Unknown moth

Superfamily: -
Family: -
Genus: -
Species: -
Common name: -
Date & Location: 31.xii.14, Outside my frontdoor, Khon Kaen environs
The very last species to appear at my house just before the New Year. This tiny mottled specimen I believe to be a snout-nosed moth or grass moth. Any ideas?

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

7. Unknown moth

Superfamily: -
Family: -
Genus: -
Species: -
Common name: -
Date & Location: 20.xii.14, Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Chaiyaphum
Though beautiful, I can't even begin to think what family this is ... I have soooo much to learn! Attracted to a moth trap, late evening/night.

6. Ornithospila lineata

Superfamily: Geometridae
Family: Geometridae
Genus: Ornithospila
Species: Ornithospila lineata
Common name: -
Date & Location: 20.xii.14, Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Chaiyaphum
Attracted to a moth trap late in the evening/night.
ID by Joe Hartman, with thanks!

5. Unknown sp.

Superfamily: -
Family: -
Genus: -
Species: -
Common name: -
Date & Location: 18.v.13, Khon Kaen

4. Unknown sp.

Superfamily: -
Family: -
Genus: -
Species: -
Common name: -
Date & Location: 13.xii.14, Khon Kaen
Could this be Mocis frugalis (Noctuidae, Catocalinae, common name: Sugarcane Looper)? Looks too pale, but not really sure.

3. Unknown Geometrid sp.

Superfamily: Geometridae
Family: Geometridae
Genus: -
Species: -
Common name: -
Date & Location: 18.viii.14, Nam Nao NP, Petchabun

2. Orothalassodes falsaria

Superfamily: Geometridae
Family: Geometridae
Genus: Orothalassodes
Species: Orothalassodes falsaria
Common name:
Date & Location: 21.vii.13, Khon Kaen
This could be an incorrect ID. Please advise otherwise.

1. Lyssa zampa

Superfamily: Geometridae
Family: Uraniidae
Genus: Lyssa
Species: Lyssa zampa
Common name: Tropical Swallowtail Moth
Date & Location: 23.ix.14, Khon Kaen (my school)
An amazing moth to start off my new blog. A massive palm-sized moth commonly seen in Khon Kaen, especially late in the year (September-December). This one was spotted in the corridor at my school ... and I held him (though I think it was very old)!